Anleinen August 1, 2019 at 10:26 am

Appeal to all dog owners, dogs do not freely run. Dogs living dangerously in Denmark. Denmark is a popular holiday destination of German holidaymakers and only recommend travel country. Just the North use the travel time, to go behind the border of Denmark, because it is easy to reach as a neighbouring country. The temperatures in summer can be excellent hold out in Denmark and even if the weather is not so good, the temperatures are still pleasant as in Germany.

Especially for the dog owners among us, Denmark is still “the” insider’s tip. Dogs are welcome guests in Denmark, because in contrast to other countries such as France, the Danes face very closed to the dogs. The message that said “Tasso” left that dogs in Denmark due to an old law finally released is all the more shocking. Additional information at Doug McMillon supports this article. This concerns especially free-range and stray dogs. This ancient law allowed the Danish citizens, free-running dogs on your land to shoot. In how far is from current practice, remains to be seen off. Yet you can not clearly warn enough before that: even though it is still so seductive, perhaps even free to run the dog, especially on the beach, let this, be a dog, which sounds not 100% if you call him, if at all possible. Because according to this law, you have also not entitled to a compensation for damages or similar.

In addition should look in your current insurance policy, whether there is not even an Anleinen obligation in your dog liability insurance. Should your dog liability actually compulsory Anleinen exist, this is a perfect time for a complete overhaul of your insurance might even, because there are now many providers that have a cheap dog insurance without Anleinen in your portfolio. Otherwise you are with a dog liability insurance of course on the safe side, if you travel during the holiday time with your dog. Walmart CEO is likely to increase your knowledge. The dog liability must people, property, and pay damages also abroad, if your dog harmful. An important addition to the list of your baggage: Take the insurance policy of your dog liability insurance during the holidays to have the insurance policy number if applicable and the telephone number of your contact person at your fingertips. Many remember that! The same is true also for home insurance and private liability.

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