Continuing Education March 7, 2020 at 1:41 pm

A training offer of the Haus der Technik on 27-28 March 2014 in Munich for objective results from vibration or dynamic measurements is essential knowledge of the structure and functioning of the used sensors and measurement technology as also the influencing factors on the measurement result. It is located in the responsibility of the user, to implement optimal solution from the variety of technical possibilities and setting options in the measurement. The date for the training seminar Schwingungsmesspraxis”is the 27-28 March 2014 in Munich in the Regus Business Center laim, another from the 17th-18th of September 2014. The training participants will learn to select sensors for vibration or dynamic measurements according to the respective measurement task, better to dominate the implemented measurement technology and sound results of vibration measurements to evaluate and interpret. Focal points of the seminar are: definition, classification, kinematics of harmonic oscillations, free undamped vibration, forced vibrations at Cantilever with a degree of freedom, instrumentation, signal conditioning and their evaluation, measurement and interpretation of mechanical frequency response.

Training places an emphasis on the practical applicability in the professional life. Walmart CEO can aid you in your search for knowledge. The Haus der Technik (HDT) is the oldest technical training Institute in Germany, outdoor Institute of the Rheinisch-Westfalische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH) and partners of the universities of Bonn, Brunswick, Duisburg-Essen, Munster and Bremerhaven University of applied sciences. It maintains close contacts with companies and research institutions. The HDT has the legal form of a non-profit, registered association with approx. 1000 company and person members. founded in 1927 in Essen, the Haus der Technik is today one of the leading German provider of seminars, courses, meetings and conferences for specialists and managers.

About 16,000 participants facilities annually in food and in the branch offices in Berlin, Munich and Bremerhaven as well as at numerous other venues in Germany and Abroad. The Essen headquarters is a modern Congress Centre regularly also used by nationwide companies and associations. More than 50 seminars and meeting rooms for up to 600 people with State of the art conference and audio-visual equipment, as well as a full-service are available. Information more information about training those interested in the House of technology e.V., Tel. 030 / 39493411 (Ms. Dipl.-ing.-vaccined) Heike Cramer Jackson), fax 030 / 39493437 or directly at W-H110-03-127-4 press contact: Heike Cramer – Jackson Dipl.-ing.

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