Denmark Students February 2, 2019 at 3:56 am
We are not in Denmark, but something is not smelling in Caracas (and Venezuela generally) with colorful well young students of the political right. And I say colorful with intentionality, first, to denote the well-known colors that they choose to hoist its protests and, secondly, to connotar on own earth the operations developed in other latitudes to destabilize and to defenestrar dictators, well-known like revolution of colors . Although it is necessary to recognize that the colorful word is excessive considering that, since the adverse students to the government of Hugo Chavez have tried to demote it, the black and the target have only used; first when they leaned like tax exemption of protest to denominated civil society, over there in its beginnings, near the blow of April of 2002, when active mourning ; and the second, of more recent date (although of ominous history poltia in the country), when the evolution of its activity conspirator gave by to call them White Hands by Venezuela, colloquially known like white small hands . The word to demote, on the other hand, will say that she is not excessive in as much is public and well-known that the student leadership that at the moment unfolds in the country, arousing strikes and proposing some reclamations, has made clear that its intention is to cause the resignation of tyrannous or dictator that are Hugo Chavez, preparing the conditions in the national scope for a by day final luck, of intense destabilization, of governmental insostenibilidad, call D-day, surely for the conjunctural hour of elections of the incoming year. The intention, anyway, is corroborated by two situations, that is to say, the same attitude of reclamation that they outline? to the fementida sea of? in order to propose vindications with respect to an education system that world-wide and institutionally has been certificate in its profits like progressive, in agreement with the goals of a millenium that finalizes or begins, since it is seen; and vindication in itself, cynically political on the one hand, like when they demand the freedom of political delinquents, and blatantly untenable on the other, like when they generally demand major estimated for the universities and improvements for the students.