Fundamental Concept June 25, 2019 at 8:11 am
Fundamental concept of writing the first writing known is attributed to the Sumerians of Mesopotamia and is prior to 3000 B.c. As it is written with ideographic characters, reading lends itself to ambiguity, but the principle of phonetic transfer is present and you can trace its history to find out how he became writing ideosilabica. In the case of Egyptians are known writings that come from a few hundred years later and also testify to the principle of phonetic transfer (cf. Egyptian language; Hieroglyphs). It can the evolution of Egyptian writing to respond to the stimulus of the Sumerian. Almost at the same time, the call was developed in Elam Elamite writing. It has not yet been deciphered and we cannot say much about it except that it is ideosilabica and the number of signs that had. Somewhat later, also emerged systems ideosilabicos in the Aegean, Anatolia, the Valley of the Indus and China (see Chinese language).
Other peoples took their syllabary for writing their own languages. In the latter half of the second millennium before Christ the Semitic peoples who lived in Syria and Palestine took the Egyptian syllabary in the simpler and more reduced form (i.e. consonant signs more any vowel), and abandoned its ideograms and its complex syllabary (see Semitic languages). This new syllabary was virtually done, because the Egyptians never written vowels. The first document in writing semialfabetica has been found in inscriptions known by protosinaiticas, which are dated around 1500 B.c.
Another similar writing system dates back to 1300 B.c., and has been found on the North coast of the current Syria, in Ugarit, but in this case the writing characters were wedges as the of the cuneiform of Mesopotamia. Writing in a similar way throughout the area and the Greeks were who took his writing of the Phoenicians. They gave the last step, because they separated vowels of consonants and wrote them separately; Thus came to alphabetic writing around 800 BC (see language Greek). Still an alphabetic script not reached as here described to define it as a complete system.