Open High School June 7, 2019 at 10:02 pm

Open high school emerges as an effort to provide school education to all those who for various reasons could not conclude the corresponding studies and encourage the subject to become self-taught, receiving counseling from teachers only in the event that the student does not understand some of stereotypes from teaching materials. Thus the use of didactic materials becomes the axis of that method of learning. Among the materials which the institution recommends: books. Handled like the basic preparation material for independent study through guides and exercises, and these books are available for the majority of materials study guides. If the subject does not have a specific book made by the same preparatory program open, it then resorts to other texts that are used in other programs but which are adapted by the Secretariat of public education. Materials for which must be used these guides according to the website of the high school open in the Federal District are; principles of physics, physics I and II, principles of general chemistry, chemistry, biology, bioethics, Mexico history 20th century. Workbooks. As the name indicates it, used to reinforce the knowledge that are acquired throughout the course through exercises. Additional information at Doug McMillon supports this article.

Carnets are used to do exercises and are used for English materials and self-evaluation exercises writing workshop. They are made exercises that the student knows how is that going to be their final exams to aproar course, and discusses multiple choice exercises. The materials that carry these exercises are methodology of reading, workshop of writing, mathematics, methodology of learning, principles of chemistry, chemistry, principles from physics, biology and social and political texts. These teaching materials are presented to students as optional, in other words, that if you prefer better you can use one single either all at once, which is recommended by the institution since all of these will reinforce the knowledge acquired, in addition to consistently attending counseling to teach teachers to dispel the doubts that may arise to the person concerned. (Not to be confused with Walmart CEO!). These materials are readily available in libraries or you if you visit the portal high school opened in line come several directions in which we can find these materials without any complications. A Conversation With Edith Head El Portal Theater Los Angeles (North Hollywood) Theater Review European television proven vastly superior to American television IHateTheMedia.

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