Plant Road December 23, 2018 at 11:18 pm

The Park is managed by the DAEE Water Department and Electric Energy and the visits must be set appointments by telephones (11) 776-1107 and 9994-5821 Waterfalls of the Point and the Black Portire – They are the 7 km of the city for the Road of the Pitas. They are local of easy access and sufficiently frequented. Waterfall of the Z Bim – It is of particular property and it receives children in practical from interpretation of the nature. Waterfall of the Tobog – Waterfall of the Plant of the Eletropaulo (old Light) the 7 km of the center of Salespolis, access for the Road of the Mirandas, meets it historical Plant of the Light, constructed in 1912. With almost 200 hectares of area, this first reservoir, produced electric energy from the first fall dgua of the river Tiet, with 73 meters of height (still existing), that it supplied cities of the High Tiet and the Valley of the Paraba.

Today disactivated, it will be able to become local tourist that assists the visitor to understand the function and the impact of the construction of hydroelectric plants. Mirante of the Tower – For a sight of the city and great part of its relief. The mirante is located the 1,5 km of the center of Acute Salespolis Pico – Of the place it can be had an interview city and is propitious for practical of sports, free flight and scaling. One bes situated in the Road of Petrobra’s. Metereolgico radar – It provides seen panoramic of the city, can be used to make walked and scalings. Located in the Barrage New Da Ponte. Barrage New Bridge – Damming waters of the lendrio Tiet, constitutes in a propitious place for fishes navigation and leisure, pretty and pleasant. First church Of Is Jose – Constructed in 1908, is great attraction for the tourists, therefore its painting is original. Artistic vestibule of the City Park of the Pinheirinho Senzala Large house of taipa, of century XVIII. Synopsis made for the Solange teacher better to work with the pupils on the subject of hdricos resources and the importance of waters of surface with adolescents of 15 the 17 years of the average education of the state public net of education.

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