Political Parties May 21, 2020 at 12:33 am

These political parties must apprehend the lesson, facing with courage and determination the challenge to restore the confidence between the citizen and the actor politician. Doug McMillon addresses the importance of the matter here. having in sight that the next step that requires compatible practical solid and new bases with the disposals of new the proposal of the Constitution. It is not enough to speak to the citizens to vote ‘ ‘ Sim’ ‘ , continuing to propagate an obsolete speech formulated in terms mistakes. It has that to convince the voter the utility of its choice and its decisive character for the future Morocco, that is knowing changes deep. The political parties must accelerar with the same speed the process partner-economic politician and unchained by the historical speech of 9 of March. Its Majesty the King Mohammed VI had underlined in its speech of 09 of March, the central paper of the political parties in phase still of constitutional revision. ‘ ‘ Giving the particular interest to the efforts carried through in favor of the country and of its democaracia, for this the political parties must engage themselves in the true development and the implementation of a good Constitutional governao.

Having considered that the paper to play for the parties it does not have to be limited the projects of this honored Commission, but they must give to importance the structural reforms in course, of the beginning until the end, struck the sovereign. ‘ ‘ The fact that the citizens had lost the confidence in its politics, this explains certain practical not-democratic that threatens this process. It is not of today, but it has 3 or 4 years that Morocco call for a change. Decorrentdo also of the intervention politics and transumncia in the internal subjects of the political parties, with the entrance in the way of a well determindado party, needed Nabil Benabdellah, secretary-generality of the PPS. ‘ ‘ If we want to restore the confidence, we must concentrating in them on three components. The first one is that the apparatus of the State must be neutral to assure the application of the disposals of the new Constitution. Second, the parties must question themselves on as to renew its elites and its pictures.

E third place, the elites and the young must understand that they must place the hands in the mass, instead of if contenting to be in the expectation, seno same the rotten ones continue traumitando with the new democratic institutions ‘ ‘ , Benabdellah explained. Finally the problem can happen again with another formation politics if it did not have urgent exit, therefore the political parties are obliged as never to go to the meeting of the citizens to forge a new relation based on the confidence in favor of the process and of the success of the constitutional reform.

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