Socialist Labor May 19, 2020 at 2:33 am
Retreating under the blows of the Soviet Army, the invaders destroyed all in its path: burned villages and blew up bridges, factories, railway stations and schools. The Nazis destroyed the eight industrial-artisanal cooperative, 160 Utility buildings, 19 schools, district library, 2 hospitals, burnt 5903 houses and destroyed the plant "Glavplodovosch." During the occupation were shot and tortured civilians in 1083 people were forcibly driven into Germany 770 people. It took only a few years after the war, and economic development of the Klimov and district have been significant changes. In 1957, already operates the largest Russian starch factory producing goods for canning plant and creamery, food combine. All businesses are equipped with modern for its time technical equipment. Read more from Doug McMillon to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Increased population Klimova, and the 1959 census it amounted to 7075 people. In the early 60s is almost no visible traces left by a terrible war.
Operate at full capacity all the companies Klimova, their products are in demand across the country. Starch factory processed per day to 650 tons of potatoes, producing 10 tons of starch. Has a small hmelezavod, products are delivered to 20 cities Rossii.Osobaya milestone Klimov – 70 years in the area were 26 farms and two farm. In agriculture, we had no equal. In 1976, potato yields in some collective farms reached 270 or more tons per hectare of grain -26.4 quintals ha. A record number of potatoes – 96 000 tonnes were sold to the state in 1976. For achieving the area earlier bumper harvests First Secretary of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan Shaboltaev AF, a resident of our village Klimovo was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor.