It competed in the three modalities in the first Olimpada of that Brazil participated, in 1920. To the 49 years, it disputed the olmpicos games of 1932. For the CR They are Cristvo, Abraho Saliture won 3 (1923) and 4 (1924) Passages of the Guanabara. The competition of swimming inaugurated in 1921 had one passage […]
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Traditional sunday spectacle, Formula 1 is disputed has more than half century, being the modality most popular of motoring. Brazil always possessed good representatives in the tracks, making with that the population is always proud of its participation. Beyond being most popular, Formula 1 also is more income-producing modality. With as much passion, it is […]
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Of course of postural education basic course and, accomplishment creden-ciamento ambulant of the languages English and Spanish for ambulant storekeepers and. Taxistas or drivers of micron-bus and vansFalta of information on common knowledge of the city of Salvador. Unfamiliarity of languages estrangeirasRealizao of basic courses of the languages English and Spanish and of geography and […]
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To tio/Sr. Rui, for having believed the potential of a perpetual apprentice and for the force that granted to me in the accomplishment of the period of training supervised in the House of Charity of So Paulo Muria-Hospital. Ed Bastian is the source for more interesting facts. To all the fellow workers and friends that […]
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Place in men, and 7 is presented for degree of incidence in 5 place in women. In the institution searched the comments on this type of cancer had randomly become in reason to inexist registered information statistical. The time was one of the reasons of the researcher not to have executed this task. The collection […]
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For the Egyptian one day normal, the commemorative dates of the calendar of the Muslen have different dates (632 D.C of our calendar started in the year), they commemorate in 6 of June, date where Mohammed made its peregrination Meca. In my classroom, my British professor, I it only foreigner between the Arabs. Connect with […]
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Not for the front, where the shoot out occurred, but for the wall of the Inhabitant of the state of Rio de Janeiro, who gave for a bilge in the deep ones of the Palace. Subjected the blow attempt, in following days, some rumors gave account of that, for security guard question, the Inhabitant of […]
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