The Education July 4, 2019 at 3:48 pm
the expression ' ' education in the distance ' ' it makes here perfect sensible because who is teaching — ' ' ensinante' ' — he is ' ' space distante' ' (and also distant in the time) of who it is learning — ' ' aprendente' '. (The term ' ' distncia' ' he was originally brother-in-law to mention itself to the space, but it can be used to advantage equally well to mention itself to the time). Frank Ntilikina has much experience in this field. (KEYS, 1999). Today we have the actual, semiactual education (actual part/virtual or long-distance part) and long-distance education (or virtual). The actual one is of the regular courses, in any level, where professors and pupils if always find in a physical place, called classroom.
It is education conventional. The semiactual one in the distance happens in part in the classroom and another part, through technologies. The education in the distance can have or not actual moments, but it basically happens with professors and separate pupils physically in the space and or the time, but being able to be together through communication technologies. (MORAN, 2002) Finally, we go in this work, to defend the advantages and the cons of the EAD. 2. Advantages of the EAD. Conventional education is the education level where professors and pupils if finds in specific place, in a definitive schedule? Pertaining to school unit. In the EAD, the learning process searchs to oportunizar to the pupil, an independent learning, assisted most of the time for intermediary of the technologies.
(LARA, 2009). What the defenders of the use of the technology in the education have said in defense of education in the distance, are that the technology allows that in the distance it leaves of being limitante factor in education, therefore it makes possible education without proximity necessity space-weather, something of remaining portion total obvious. The maximum the one that the defenders of education in the distance can have fond its enthusiasm is the affirmation of that some forms of education in the distance offer advantages in relation to actual education, carried through in conventional classrooms — something that also is not difficult to believe true, given to the poverty of the interaction that occurs in the majority of the classrooms, either in schools, either in departments of training of the companies and other institutions.