Artificial Turf September 10, 2018 at 7:26 pm

Now it is difficult to say exactly who invented the artificial grass and suggested using it as a cover for open and closed stadiums, tennis courts and gyms. One thing is clear: this man is not living in those latitudes the world where eternal summer. And more: sports, he certainly loved and with the inevitable troubles in the offseason workouts and games in bad weather outdoors was familiar firsthand. In turn, there are many systems, artificial turf types. Basically they are divided into fields for soccer, field hockey, tennis, rugby, and dr. herb is also used for decorative landscaping.

There are also artificial turf, which are used for multiple sports and training athletes. Official competition in such fields almost non-existent. Artificial turf – is the best alternative to the soccer fields with natural grass. Learn more at: Harold Ford. Unlike natural grass, artificial field with the coating does not need a period of recovery and thorough attention. Artificial turf no treads and knocked out during the operation.

Artificial grass has a high degree that allows coverage always look their best and do not change color over the years. Artificial turf – is rolled coating, cold-and light resistance, which is water tight and does not allow formation of stagnant zones. Produced by technology tufting method: three-dimensional fiber, simulating blades of grass, woven into high-elastic base, which is then covered with latex. Pile is made of polypropylene, polyethylene or combinations thereof, that determines durability and cost of coverage. Artificial turf has some serious advantages over natural grass.

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