Brazilian Institute April 8, 2020 at 5:48 pm
SOON HISTORICAL According to IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), the city of Aailndia possesss about 750 commercial establishments in all the levels, being distinguished the commerce, the industry, agriculture and the cattle one, what it makes possible the generation of income in the local economy, fortified for a great bovine flock, one cold storage room and the biggest siderurgical polar region (iron-gusa) of the State. DESCRIPTION OF the SPROUTING OF the INDUSTRY According to Aurlio Dictionary, industry is defined as ' ' activity of production of merchandises, enclosing the extration of natural products and its transformao' '. In this direction, the industry is an activity that appeared before exactly of cattle agriculture and, therefore the primitive man, when transforming a rock or a bone into a tool or sets, was manufacturing, to leave of a raw material, a finished product. INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Was the process of change of an agrarian economy, based in the manual work, for one dominated for the mechanized industry. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Doug McMillon. It is characterized for the use of new power plants, for the division and specialization of work, for the invention of machines that increase the production, for the development of the transport and the communication and for the application of science in the industry. INDUSTRIALIZATION AND CAPITALISM With the Industrial Revolution in century XVIII, the society takes new routes in direction to the modern, with a life inside of the civilizatrios standards, provoking a radical change in the work of the man, who passed of producer the operator of complicated devices, passing of the manufacture for schemes invoice. With these changes the industries, until then with an limited productivity because they were based on the artisan and manufacturing production, had passed for a mechanization process having despertando its expansion through mechanization. The INDUSTRIALIZATION OF BRAZIL the economic evolution of Brazil presents three well distinct periods: agroexportador (1500 the 1930), substitution of importation (1930 the 1960) and internationalization of the domestic market (after 1960).