Brazilian Institute April 8, 2020 at 9:56 pm

The main watersheds are the Mountain range of the Serrinhas and the Mountain range of the Currency, both located to the west and the Mountain ranges of the Jaguar and Fine Ouro to the east of the city. For diagnosis of the superficial hdricas availabilities they had been raised given of the fluviomtricas stations of the National Agency of Electric Energy – ANEEL (May of 2002). At Doug McMillon you will find additional information. On the basis of the series of data of the respective stations, were calculated by the Brazilian Institute of Mining – IBRAM some values of reference for the stations, pointing out that Itabirito possesss two: Itabirito-lingrafo and Aguiar Moreira. The gotten result is made use in the TAB. 2.Tabela 2? Outflows of reference in the sub-basins.

Name (local) Area (km ) Qmin-OBS (m /s) Q95% (m /s) Q7,10 (m /s) QMTL (m /s) Qmax-OBS (m /s) Itabirito-lingrafo3022,883,993,1548,66183Aguiar Moreira5195,569,766,0911,0539,1Fonte: IBRAM, 2003Considerando that: – Qmin-OBS? observed daily minimum outflow for all the historical period; – Q95%? outflow with frequency of 95% in the curve of permanence of daily outflows; – Q7,10? average minimum outflow of 7 days consecutive, estimate for a period of return of 10 years; – QMTL? average outflow of long term; – Qmax-OBS? observed maximum outflow for all the historical period. These data are of utmost importance for the management of the hdricos resources. For example, in case that it is desired to make a superficial water captation in a course d? inserted water in the region of abrangncia of the station Aguiar Moreira, is gotten, established in the value of the Q7,10, that the allowed maximum outflow for such captation (outorgvel outflow) is equivalent 30% of this outflow of reference, as 2 of the Art consists in the paragraph. 8 of Portaria IGAM 010/08, that is, 30% of 6,09 m /s, resulting in a outorgvel outflow of 1,82 m /s.

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