Brazilian Literature February 18, 2020 at 2:11 pm
The IDENTITY SPOILED FOR the STIGMA OF MADNESS IN SAD END OF POLICARPO QUARESMA Renata Rodrigues Summary Intends, in this assay, to observe the identity spoiled for the stigma of madness, being made one brief analysis of the Sad romance end of Policarpo Quaresma of the writer Barreto Rasp (1914), cortejando the life of the author and the personage, since, if it identifies in the workmanship, of certain form, the biography of its author. To mark the objective of this work one became readings of authors as: Foucault; Of Decca and Woodward. Words? key: Identity. Madness. Reason. Ufanismo. Policarpo Quaresma, personage created by Barreto Rasp, appears in the Brazilian literature as representative of an anonymous group of people who had been part of the history of the Republic, the same ones that they had had courage to think, to criticize, to display its ideas, that not condiz with what the society stipulated of ' ' certo' ' of ' ' ideal' ' it is considered as transgressivo behavior. Being thus, the thematic one of madness is used by Barreto Rasp to give to body and voice to a personage who questions laws and values of Brazilian society, therefore, cause threat and malaise, to the powerful ones of the Republic of Floriano Peixoto.
In accordance with De Decca: … the search of a national identity in Policarpo Quaresma assumes the dimension of a tragedy, the point of the personage to come to occupy, also, a place in the gallery of the insane people of the Republic. Our hero is witness of a slaughter and at the same time, is considered an insane person (OF DECCA, 1990, p.49). The madness of Policarpo Quaresma, can be said that it is a metaphor or strategy found for the author to make one denounces social and ideological. Being thus, the insane person is malleable, manipulable ahead of the hands of its creator.