Educational Management August 9, 2018 at 10:26 pm
“God did not impose the obligation to ignorant to learn, without having taken the oath that they know to teach.” Much that has allowed the role of educational management in the Venezuelan education, we note a deterioration in its scope, commitment, leading to many institutions, especially universities that concerns us, go through a stage very weak, where precisely the educational management is very questionable. Urgent review of how management is managing the education, what their actions, what authorities are doing about it, as it really is integrating the educational process in terms of integration to provide help in solving the problems the country currently facing many communities, especially the training of professionals to ensure they discharge their duties for the benefit of the country, especially to a turbulent political stage, upon the cultural, social, economic faced.
Elda Maria Rodriguez notes that in Venezuela, specifically in education, the impact of emerging trends management has not been fully internalized by many institutions, including those relating to the Third Stage of Basic Education, secondary, and professional. The explanation of this situation could be linked to the fact that many managers at this level do not identify with institutional purposes or with the needs and requirements of their management; situations these dipping in a lethargy of indifference and passivity to members school community (Cardenas, 1998 and Odreman, 1997). a What is certain, that on this subject, Dordelly Indira says, that management education is an essential tool for achieving and effective functioning of the organizational structure can therefore say that the educational management is the process of organization and employment resources to achieve predetermined objectives through an efficient organization where the educational manager must lead his team towards the achievement of the objectives of the but for an organization which encourages continuous motivation and reward eastern constantly inspect the work while running the action and function of managing, for this reason we can say that when there is no educational management is planning legislation, due to the rigidity This type of planning does not exist when the educational management organization design work is centralized but decentralized education management does not exist when the delegation or there is lack of leadership.