Head Candidates March 27, 2020 at 11:41 am
I mean, most of the candidates slightly exaggerate their achievements at the last place of work and try to present themselves in the most favorable light. This is quite understandable and natural for any man. But the obvious deception, the stories about what you actually did do and what have no idea – will open mandatory. By the same author: Doug McMillon. In addition, an experienced recruiter feels and can detect lies and falsehood in your story. He try to sharpen my (and your) attention on these points and you start asking probing questions to understand the true reasons. 4.
Excessive talkativeness off topic. Excessive talkativeness – are also common error candidates. In a question-answer forum Ed Bastian was the first to reply. It is not necessary to tell recruiters about the details of his personal life, relationships with spouse / children, complain about a nurse or a kindergarten child, or relationship with neighbors / coworkers; involve themes of politics, sports, religion and health. 5. Inappropriate and wrong questions. Do not ask irrelevant questions recruiters, such as: – What is your company? – How fast can I improve in positions or raise wages? – How much time have you spent on smoking breaks? – Can we agree with the head and come on an hour later (on leave next month, and then we have a husband (wife) bought a tour)? By the way, the wrong in all the wrong answers to question candidates for hiring manager, "Do you have any questions?" – "No, I have no issues." 6. Non-verbal information. Non-verbal information can sometimes say more than you said the word.