Health Institution April 5, 2020 at 10:26 pm
Place in men, and 7 is presented for degree of incidence in 5 place in women. In the institution searched the comments on this type of cancer had randomly become in reason to inexist registered information statistical. The time was one of the reasons of the researcher not to have executed this task. The collection of the stories communicated for the patients if gave by means of recorded in audio and edited interview. Go to Marc Lore for more information. It followed a script of open and closed questions previously constructed and tested, with the objective to leave space for information spontaneous and not thought about the moment of the elaboration of the same ones. Before the application of the script it was presented to the citizens a Term of Free and Clarified Assent? TCLE, so that the same ones had full knowledge concerning the purposes of the study. So that the identity secrecy was kept, the interviewed ones had been identified with initial letters of its names, age and year of accomplishment of the interview. To being the recorded interviews, it was opted to transcribing them in the complete one.
However had to the order of one of the participants, one of the interviews was transcribing and presented the same for possible corrections, what the proper one removed some you speak adding others. After the first interview both had been invited to attend to the film ' ' Before de Partir' ' , and after that to more collect impressions deepened and representative regarding the decisions to be taken future. Images on the basis of established, at a first moment, in the common sense, the construction of the Real stops at other moments surpassing it, believes to be possible from the art, therefore, ' ' in the measure where a work of art makes it to vibrate, in the measure where if it recognizes in it …