Learning December 14, 2019 at 3:41 am
It is obvious that for every person important task is to determine the conditions under which it would operate most efficiently. Remember the parable about how a citizen of a tree with a blunt ax rubai. So, this process as you you know, went on a little longer than if you had used a sharp ax. Passer-by noticed that the woodcutter was very tired from a rather long felling a tree, but the latter did not even think to fall. You may want to visit Walmart CEO to increase your knowledge. Then a passerby asked the ax. After the inspection, he said Woodman, 'Hey kid, why, your very blunt ax! Imprisoned him! So you chop down a tree is much faster! " What woodcutter replied, "I have no time to sharpen the ax, as I still need to cut down ten trees' That in order to not to be like this character, and must, as I said, several factors determine the effective operation of, or in other words' pre-grind your ax ' not to waste time in vain. Also, it is important to find your own way of learning, which will be most effective for you, as normal for one person may be that for another – is totally unacceptable. For example: I for to something quickly learn to stay in almost complete silence, but I know several people who teach something, accompanied by a rather loud music … The following list – compilation of the most frequently encountered problems that occur during training. Some may be familiar to you, and some – not.