National Institute April 3, 2020 at 4:11 pm

It is more than clearly that the developed countries look at above all for the Amaznia for economic questions. Meanwhile, Brazil does not arrive close to these percentages, although much to deforest itself recent data prove that the deforestation in the Amaznia comes falling. As it is clearly in the research of the National Institute of Space Research (Inpe) that it divulged in this thursday, day 20 of May of 2010, that it had fall of 50% in the deforestation in the Amaznia, in relation to the passed year, when the taxes were of 12,9 a thousand kilometers squared and had fallen for 7,4 a thousand. Beyond Brazil to have one of the more rigid ambient legislaes of the world. Data as this only strengthen the idea displayed for senator Cristovam Buarque, when in conference in New York, it was interrogated if it did not only consider the Amaznia a patrimony of the Brazilians, but also of the world. in reply it affirmed that it could until considering the Amaznia as global patrimony, if all the countries also opened hand, of its natural and economic wealth, in favor of all of the world. The Middle East does not open hand of the wealth of the oil, Africa does not open hand of the wealth of diamonds, and none another country disponibiliza its resources for others, then do not have logic of alone Brazil to yield the apelos of this level while other countries continue with its intocadas wealth. The Amaznia is of the Brazilians and fits to the Brazilians to define the form who will go to take care of of it. All the countries are sovereign and fit they to take care of of the wealth that are in its territories. Being thus, Amaznia for the Brazilians.

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