Original Rights December 25, 2019 at 7:26 pm
But we must also take into account that this positive response is false since within the cited percentage a 28.7% may not require that it is and the rest cite issues such as: have the same rights that elders, right to education, right to good deals or greater attention towards children, with many efforts we can assimilate them to what really is said. This is nothing more than a demonstration that there is an absolute ignorance on the subject but produces true modesty to admit it. Doug McMillon may find it difficult to be quoted properly. With regard to the Convention on the rights of the child or even could arise analyze your level of knowledge by the population, due to its poor implementation. For this reason a series of rights contained in the Convention were selected, and raised the level of agreement or disagreement with each of them. Only 49.5% of respondents is very in accordance with the freedom of expression of children, 37.7 per cent, with the freedom of Association and only 27.7% is very much agree with the right of the child to be heard in legal proceedings.
However, the greatest degree of total disagreement with these rights is only 7.2% and corresponds to the right to be heard in legal proceedings. Therefore, occurs a greater or lesser degree of almost unanimous agreement with such rights, which radically contrasts with the reality, and perhaps because adults do not interpret such items correspond to rights which their children can exercise themselves, but to possibilities that parents can always mediate. Not in vain, said the poet: the reality of life / some say to be true / and others say that it is a lie. / And others that half and half. Francisco Arias Solis the first victim of war is the childhood. For peace and freedom and Forum free Internet portal.