Police Lack May 5, 2020 at 2:19 am
Of course of postural education basic course and, accomplishment creden-ciamento ambulant of the languages English and Spanish for ambulant storekeepers and. Taxistas or drivers of micron-bus and vansFalta of information on common knowledge of the city of Salvador. Unfamiliarity of languages estrangeirasRealizao of basic courses of the languages English and Spanish and of geography and history of the city, beyond instructions for the treatment with the public. Waiters Lack of professionalism in the treatment with the public and professional unfamiliarity Accomplishment of basic courses of the languages English and Spanish and the profession of waiter, beyond course of postural education. Recepcionistas of hotels and inns Lack of professionalism in the treatment to important visitors, attendance the information and indications. Accomplishment of basic courses of the languages English and Spanish, basic courses of geography and history of the city and in good ways.
Bahians of acaraj Falta of professionalism in the good treatment of the visitors, cares with the hygiene of the alimentosRealizao of basic courses of English and Spanish the languages, of history of the Bahians, acaraj and will abar of it, and basic course of alimentary hygiene. Police Lack of number of policemen and professionalism in the treatment of the visitors, Accomplishment of basic courses of the languages English and Spanish and of geography and history of the city to help to the visitors 4 Picture – PROPOSAL OF MANAGEMENT OF PEOPLE FOR PANTRY OF 2014 Source: Fabrcio Cidreira Cammarota. 2011. The pontuados professionals, in the Picture above, will be managed by the SINDETUR (Union of Tourism of the Bahia), duly credential, with services of consultoria given by the author of this proposal of staff management. Of this form if he will have to program necessary activities of professional qualification for the good development of the activities during the Pantry, especially to organize the courses in accordance with the described necessities in the picture in epigraph.