Sustainable Development August 28, 2019 at 9:48 pm

Estimated that they had generated the elaboration of the central idea of the Work (the Ambientale Education Sustainable Development) persists and if they extend, reason for which the Autorsentiu stimulated to publish it in the WebArtigos, for the certainty of that its contedocontinua brought up to date. The author waits that the boarded subjects can still subsidize the debate of the questoambiental particularly in relation to the Amaznia. SUMMARY This Work analyzes and criticizes as the Ambient Education was conceived to exert the ideological paper deinstituto of the Sustainable Development. In the First Part, a historical series of events in the period of 1972-1992 demonstrates to the efetivaarticulao and interdependence it enters the politics for the Sustainable Development and the Programasem Ambient Education. The intentions and inconsistencies of both formularizations are analyzed, as well as the logic of these bonds in relation to the interests of a complex mundialeco-industrial. The Second Part examines the interrelao between Subjects as Equality, Development and Education, under a historical perspective.

An inversion of values is evidenced when cerne of the current world-wide clutter is attributed to ambient questo, being this inversion the ideological base sobrea which if articulates the conceptions of the Sustainable Development and of the Ambient Education After that, a critical quarrel is introduced on the interdisciplinaridade, having analyzed itself ascomplexas determinative in the constitution and functioning of the groups to multidiscipline ambientalistas, mainly from comments of Social Psychology and the Psychoanalysis on dinmicainconsciente and ideological excited in the activity of the groups. The final Part approaches the Theory, repeats its paper historical to integrate the distortion apparatus eocultao of a development ideology that it extends and potencializa the inaquality socialem planetary scale. One concludes that the ambient rationality must mainly result of the dynamics in relaesdo Work, Production and Consumption, that can instigate the society the demands politicamenteorganizadas for> citizenship, cultural resistance, ambient conscience and social transformation, eno for intermediary of a conception of Development (Sustainable) or programs formaisem Education (Ambient). It makes download of the complete monograph to continue reading.

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