Gentle Breeze

Vdoh.Vydoh. I hear as the air leaves my lungs, giving precious minutes zhizni.V povsidnevnoy bustle, I forgot the sound, but now vysunovshis out the window, I hear, I chuvstuyu.Okazyvaetsya this city knows how to sleep before I do not noticed it seemed to me that life is seething even nochyu.V a warm sweater, half vysunovshis […]

Leo Tolstoy

Five minutes from the hooter, to DC "Meliorator", which hosted the event. Total: 14 minutes! And in this time and decided to err, but suddenly will not work with an interpreter. With our another, the deputy managed to work spetsbrigada cover. Not "sophistry", smiling and showing his thumb, "they say, well done, well done." He […]