The Following December 20, 2019 at 6:11 am
Hipotlamo, part of diencfalo, with inferior localization to the thalamus. He is composed for about twelve nuclei, forming four main regions. To mamilar, posterior part of hipotlamo includes the bodies mamilares and the posterior hipotalmico nucleus. The tuberal region, that is the part widest of hipotlamo, includes the nuclei back-medial, ventro-medial and hooped, more infundbulo. The medium eminence, slightly prominent region, that surrounds infundbulo. The region supply-optics is superior to quiasmo optic, nucleus to paraventricular, the supply-optic nucleus, previous the hipotalmico nucleus and the supraquiasmtico nucleus.
The region daily pay-optics, is previous the supply-optics is, generally considered as part of hipotlamo, for participating it together with, of the regulation of certain autonmicas activities. Hipotlamo is one of the main regulators of the homeostasia. Other receivers, in proper hipotlamo, continuously monitor the osmtica pressure, certain hormonais contractions and the temperature of the blood. The main functions of hipotlamo are the following ones: Control of the SNA: hipotlamo controls and integrates the activities of the autonmico nervous system, that in turn, regulates the contraction of muscles smooth cardiopath of the secretion of many glands. By means of the SNA, hipotlamo and the main regulator of the visceral activities, including the regulation of the cardiac frequency, the food movement throughout the gastrintestinal treatment and of the contraction of the urinria bladder.
Control of the gland hipfise: hipotlamo produces some hormones and has two types of important connections with the gland hipfise, a endcrina gland, with inferior situation to hipotlamo. Regulating hipotalmicos hormones are set free in hair nets, in the medium eminence. The cellular bodies of these neurons produce one of two hormones (ocitocina or antidiurtico hormone). Regulation of the emotional and mannering standards. Together with the lmbico system, hipotlamo regulates the feelings of anger, aggression, pain and pleasure, also, behavior related with sexual activation. Regulation of the water and food ingestion.