The Principles April 28, 2020 at 1:41 pm

The principles in my GI system allow you to get close to your genetic potential to have a thin, strong and healthy body devoting a few minutes a week and with very simple changes in your lifestyle. Do only 45 minutes A week eating? Delicious food? My wife Kalen and I’ve been using IG principles for a few years. For more specific information, check out Comedian. We train twice a week. We rested a whole week from time to time. We do not count calories. Do not remove the foods that we love. If it is the birthday of our daughter, we enjoy a good piece of cake and ice cream. We only work with the IG principles and retain our best physical condition one day after another, one week after another, one year after another. Source: Munear Ashton Kouzbari.

Us so little exercise because of the way as we do and create our workouts, eat with such flexibility because we adhere to lifestyle IG, which gives you the power of flexibility and variation that does not have most of the programs. What I am saying is that I discovered the least required to give me health and body he wanted. This also my IG system students are achieving it. I could certainly add another day to the week to train, but at this point it could be disastrous for my results. You could start playing with my diet in many ways crazy, but that would only bother to my body and cause me unnecessary stress. Then, I ask you, are you trying to know what is the minimum required to give you the results you want? If you truly value your time and other valuable goals in your life, I am suggesting that this is exactly what you should be doing. If you do you could prove to be an average person aged 67 who waiting for you 8 years of ill health. By the way, if you still have not read my book fat burning, really should do so immediately.

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